July 1, 2020

We Made A Difference

Hi, I'm Widya from PDI, and I can't believe that it has almost been a year since my last blog post! and thus, I am beyond excited to update you on what's happening lately in PDI.

First of all, I'm so glad to inform you that all YOYO and PDI members are all in healthy condition and we're happy with our current WFH situation. I mean of course we are dying to get back to the "old normal" where we can work together and side by side in the office, but it's safe to say that we are adapting to this "new normal" situation pretty quickly.

It's June and we're already halfway to the end of 2020. The 1st half has proven to be a lot of firsts for all of us, including the first full time WFH, first virtual birthday celebration and other company activities, to the first charity event to raise funds for the medical workers who are fighting for the COVID-19 outbreaks in Indonesia. With the aim to provide aid for the medical workers, the management then decided to create a movement involving our very own PopStar influencers to raise funds. #LawanCorona bersama PopStar (#FightCorona together with PopStar) campaign was launched in April 2020 for around two weeks.

The campaign enable people to donate by purchasing #LawanCorona T-Shirt and every Rp 10,000 of their purchase is automatically donated to the fund. With the power of influencers, the movement quickly spread in the social media: influencers published their best pose of wearing the T-shirt, which then led their followers to join the movement and then the followers of their followers did the same, and the snowball is getting bigger and bigger just like that. Talking about the power of the influencers, am I right?

At the end of the campaign, a total of Rp 1,485,000 has been successfully raised and handed over to PSP.ID (Pintar Sehat Peduli), a non profit organization which is founded during this pandemic situation by Ms. Andira Utami, specifically aims to provide food & beverage consumption for the COVID-19 medical workers across Indonesia. The NGO's main mission is to ensure medical workers are not starving while working 24/7 in the hospital fighting against time to save COVID-19 patients.

When it comes to how much is considered enough for a charity? I guess "number" is not the measurement. With a heart full of good intention, you are a generous person. Every penny that you've spent, every action that you've made departing from that good intention will lead you to make a difference for society.

We might not have reached every medical worker of COVID-19 fighters across all nations, but I am proud to say that we, PDI have made a difference in fighting COVIC-19!

The movement might have ended, but together with the influencers, PDI is still making a difference in breaking the chain of COVID-19 spread in our own way.

"Charity begins at home, but should not end there" - Thomas Fuller.

Stay safe everyone!

Widya, Head of CEO Office WFH: Writing From Home