June 23, 2020

Rise and Rise Again Until Lambs Become Lions

“Rise and Rise Again Until Lambs Become Lions”. This is my most favorite quote from Robin Hood (2010), I am reminded of this every time I am faced with challenges and opportunities. It simply means never giving up, one thing my parents have taught me.

Hello guys, I am Bram, and I am part of the Creatives ID Team. And this is my story from when I was hired in Pop Digital Indonesia. Let’s begin!

For the first time, I left my comfort zone from BTL agency to gain new skills in Digital Marketing. It was amazing and extremely exciting since I would meet new people and learn new things. When I was interviewed by Ergin for the first time, he told me right from the start that PDI will be slightly different from the regular digital agencies and companies, it’s an agency with brand culture (you don’t need to take overtime too often. Lol) Then after passing the interview, everyone welcomes me really well. Thank you for being awesome and having my back since day 1.

Since PDI is my first startup company, I only expected to gain new skills about Digital Marketing, and great colleagues who will support me, and learn everything in Digital Marketing together. As time goes by, I am slowly but surely getting all these from PDI: fun atmosphere, an opportunity to develop skills and career, and so many more.

New company, new challenges. So, what was the most challenging campaign or project I had to handle? Well, almost every campaign was challenging for me. Natasha, my team mate, and I always get new briefs from different industries, so we have to push ourselves to learn a lot about the client, industry, the audience, etc. The challenge is not only how to win the pitch with our proposal, but the consideration on whether it is possible to execute or not.

Another challenge comes from the client itself, because it is quite difficult to convince them that social media content is not only for follower gain, but to also maintain the page’s relevance so it will be able to drive new followers.

One of the most enjoyable projects I am working on is creating content for the @popstar_me social media account. Not only because this project is called: “internal project”, I should also learn and understand more about Influencer Marketing platforms, about the audience and of course, their habits and interest that would lead them to @popstar_me page.

Also, since MC Team became Creative Team’s client, they are really cooperative by giving us any information that we need and they are very open with any idea that comes from us. Then, there should be no challenges in this project, right? Of course there are still challenges, such as determining which content is relevant to the audience, how to increase followers organically, and how to maintain this social media asset so that it remains informative for its audience.

Outside of work, there are lots of exciting things that I experienced and felt being with PDI/YOYO. Such as the outing in Bandung, but I am still wishing for another YOYO outing (because I wasn’t able to join the last outing in Bangkok), so I can create more memorable stories and experiences. Hiks..

So, for my most memorable moment in PDI/YOYO, I chose the moment when YOYO/ PDI management appointed me as Creative Team Leader. It is my first time, my first experience to lead a team & I’m so grateful for it. Thank you so much for this opportunity!</p>\ <p>Last but not least, here is a recap of the lessons I have learned in the last two years with YOYO/PDI:

  • As an individual : I learned a lot on how to manage my emotions, and my ego. Never be easily satisfied, keep learning and gain a new skill.
  • As a team : Build trust in my team (not only in the Creative Team, but in PDI/ YOYO as a team), learn to communicate well, learn to manage a team.

Since I often get the question "What needs to be done to be able to develop together with YOYO/PDI?", hopefully this recap helps you :)

Thank you everyone for being part of my journey, thank you for the opportunity that has been given to me. Let's welcome tomorrow with a spirit of togetherness. Party, party!

Your PDI Creative Team Lead,