October 4, 2019

Ready, Score, Fuuuun!

Hello! I’m Princess Erica Franco, GA and Admin officer in YOYO. Nice to e-meet all of you! :)

Well, what is it about the spirit of the games that brings out the best in all of us? It could be the teamwork from a group of individuals working towards a common goal which drives them to rise above life’s challenges.

It was September 27, 2019, Friday @ The Fifth Avenue, BGC. YOYO employees from PH couldn’t wait for the clock to hit the 5:30PM mark. Everybody is on high spirits, excited to get their daily tasks done. Why? It was the 2nd time Annual PH Badminton Tournament!

The team shows professionalism whenever it means business. Still, this humble company knows how to effectively unwind, relax, and have fun. Last Friday, PH team members had their 2nd Badminton Tournament to cap off the week with a good time after all the hard, steadfast work! Since every one has their game face on, delivering quality output when they work, this event presented another opportunity for them to bond and to know more about each other.

And so it begins.

6 teams were formed by Kuya Marius, and with the help of Kuya Leo and Nina we finally have a place where we can hold our badminton tournament. First, our CEO led the Radio Taiso exercise - we have to warm up so we are better prepared to play, of course!

The badminton court echoed with joyful cheers and festive vibes! The teams gave their best on every hit they made, as if they were channeling their inner-badminton-athlete-self! Great job, team! But what made this event even more interesting is that the winners for each mini round get a chance to compete for the grand prize in the championship round: MILK TEA. We are serious about our lactose. The whole court was all cheers that could be heard all the way to Seibu Tower 16H, but in a good way. :)

Finally, the event has come to an end. The teams have competed, winners were awarded, muscles were challenged, bodies warmed up, and ready to rest (in bed, all weekend!)! We ended the night with a super dinner to reload our stomachs emptied by the tournament. The food was extremely great that even health conscious teammates disregarded their diets (hehe) just for that night. After all, who would turn down yummy food after a tiring (but endorphins-filled!) game?

McDonalds dinner after the game!

Although only one team was chosen as the victor, the whole team was more than delighted to be part of this perfect moment. They got the chance to bond with their fellow workmates, enjoyed an activity outside the office, and most especially, experience the moments of friendship, sportsmanship, and unity among their comrades. And that's what matters the most. Yes? YES. :)

Group picture taken after the game

And that's it! We might have went home with sore muscles (TGIF!) but the joy and endorphins that filled our hearts, and the laughter that could still be vibrating at the court — were all worth it!

Until the next game!

Your Game Master/GA & Admin Champion,
