March 25, 2020

Ownership Is Our Behaviour

Hi, it's me Merry, from the Pop Digital Indonesia (PDI) office, Human Resources Team. This is the first time I have written a blog post here, wait! This is also the first time I have become a storyteller in my life! And I have decided that my debut is to write a story about our OWNERSHIP session in the PDI office, the first of six YOYO core values. I hope you guys will enjoy reading my writing. Here goes!

Last Thursday, March 12th, 2020 was the day when the Indonesian team had a group coaching about Ownership conducted by Mr. Ferry Fibriandani as a facilitator. He is a professional trainer from Rumah Remedi. For the opening remarks, Ms. Widya, Head of CEO Office, explained Ownership as a core value: taking initiative and being responsible for bringing positive results. This means not waiting for others to act, but instead being accountable for the results of our own actions.

As the session began, Coach Ferry randomly picked someone who needed to appoint another person and it continued until four persons were picked. Guess what? The four persons became the appointed team leaders, and they were able to choose who gets to be in their team! How lucky they are!

After the grouping was set, we were told to create a group name and slogan that should include an “Ownership” element and present it in front of all teams. After 10 minutes, each team came up with the unique group name and slogan:

1st group: 6 6 Asik (which means “fun”)

2nd group: O.S< (which means “ownership”)

3rd group: Sing Duwe (jawa language which means “who I own it”)

4th group: Akurat (which means “accurate”)

The session went on and was filled with laughter, especially during each group presentation. When most groups had retaken the slogan performance (due to too much laughter), Akurat group, true to its group name, did it in one shot!

6 6 Asik Group and O.S Group
Seng Duwe Group and Akurat Group

Continuing with the session, Coach Ferry explained how Ownership could be applied in organization, as well as within the teams. And as usual, he picks a random person to answer his question and lets that chosen person pick the next person to answer the next question.

The climax of the session was when we played an Ownership Space game. Every team leader was asked to assign a role for each team member and that role shouldn't be the same with their actual job role. The 4 different roles were: Account & Business Development, AdOps, Support, Designer. Then Coach Ferry prepared 4 lines by using rope, and each team member should stay within each line based on their role.

Ownership space game: Mr. Ferry is a client who requests for a design from PDI. As the game started, the client met with Account & BD to tell them the design that he wanted. Using a lego, Mr. Ferry formed a shape with complex colors in each layer and this is the shape that the team needs to come out with.

The game works in a way that a member can only pass information/brief to the next member in line. They can never cross their boundaries, and this is why they are separated by the line. AS/BD need to pass information/ brief to AdOps, then AdOps pass it to Support, and finally Support will pass it to the Designer in order to make the product as the client requested.

In the first phase of the game, the obstacle is that we can only pass the information using body language; no verbal communication at all. You can imagine there's no single team could successfully give a clear direction to their team. In the second phase, verb communication is allowed, and in the final phase, Coach Ferry gives us an opportunity to take notes for the important information.

Each team member is trying to explain using body language.

After exerting full effort, the winner goes to O.S team, where Seto was a leader, and the team members were Swasti, Dwy, Natasha, Ajeng, and Bram. Bravo guys! You showed great teamwork and effective communications very well.

The winning team, O.S Group

At the end of the session, Coach Ferry asked each of the team to point out the obstacles that we faced during the game and the lesson learned about Ownership. From this session, we learnt a lot and got a hands on experience when we were in others roles, and how to implement Ownership when working together as a team. We really appreciate the lessons along the way.

Yeah! That's all from me, Merry, the woman who always tries to spread positivity everywhere she goes 🙂

#opohrt #wherepartiesstart