June 30, 2022

MVA Awardees Q1 2022

Hello! It’s me again and I’m glad that I’m back after passing my keyboard to Princess and Jovita in the last two YOYO blog articles!

Today marks the last day of quarter two which is also the last day of first semester 2022. Can you actually believe that the half of 2022 has gone? And that it’s just 178 more days left before we wave goodbye to 2022.

What is your biggest achievement in 1H? Did you accomplish your goal(s)?

Talking about achievement and accomplishment, our fellow Louise and Angel have certainly had one of their proudest moments by being crowned as the MVA Awardees of Q1 2022.

Let’s get to know them and I hope that you will be inspired by their achievement.

Angelica Sela (Angel) - Account Lead

Louise Ponsones (Louise) - Digital Marketing Strategist

What is your version of OPO-HRT?

Angel: I think it simply means that we need to have and always show empathy, respect, solidarity, and be considerate to each other. But it also means that you need to know when to draw the line of certain limits and be professional towards your commitment.

Louise: For me, it means that you don't just focus on yourself,  but at the end of the day you also would like to show some empathy to your teammates. So if you see your teammates having difficulties with their task, you'll have to have the initiative to approach that person to help.
Also for example, when I talk to clients I always think what will be the best for YOYO , for PopStar and for the team? So in every decision, we should not only just think to complete our task but to also fulfill the client's needs, and think if this is the best output for YOYO.

How is YOYO different from your previous company(ies)?

Angel: For me, I don’t feel like I am a stranger since day one when I joined YOYO.

Everyone treats me like a family member, so I don’t feel “strange” about being a new addition to the team.


This is something that I don’t get in other companies. I also think that because of our values, I really feel that everyone has a great empathy and is always able to back up each other. Great teamwork and I think that nobody shows individualism here (a.k.a One for All)

"In YOYO, you have to be ready to explore other tasks, areas in the company"


Louise: For example, in PH we don't have BD/Sales, but like what Jamie said, that doesn't mean that we have to stop working/connecting to clients. So, even though it is not my best skill to create proposals, connect with clients, close the deal, but after I did those tasks, I found out that I enjoyed interacting with clients, creating proposals, studying the brand, and creating strategy.

I was also glad that YOYO was able to adjust and improve on our WFH conditions, especially with Gather which is very interactive and not only that I can see PH members, but I am also able to see ID members, so it feels like the true actual office.

Tips to build/enhance relationships with clients?

Angel: I have several rules that I made for myself:
1. Quick response. I’m actually always afraid to delay my response to clients, as I might overlook, skip and worst case scenario forget to reply to them. So I always try my best to reply as soon as I receive their messages.

2. Set reminders to follow up/reply to clients. As a human, of course you don’t always have answers to all of their questions, and if you don’t have the answer, don’t just give “an answer” for the sake of answering. I always pin their chat then set reminders for myself to get back to them. It is also important to follow up and ensure that we have done our part.

3. Be a good listener and always try to cater to their needs. In account servicing, being a good listener is important, as you are the main point of contact between the client and the company. By being a good listener, you will be able to understand and provide them with the best solutions. And it is also important to note that sometimes what they want might not be what they need, and your job is to help them cater to what they need. This way, you can continuously earn trust from them.

Louise: These are my 3 tips to build relationship with clients:
1. You have to sound & appear professionally like an expert, because you want them to trust you. For example, when they ask you something, it's not good to say "I don't know/don't have the answer" but instead you can say "That's a great idea, let me verify with my team and get back to you". Just make sure you have the right language/vocab to explain/guide them

2. There's always an opportunity of something

For example if a client just wants an SMM package, but if you would like to make this deal better, make sure that you will provide the best package for client, so you can add google ads package / influencer package, I mean it's best to always offer more options and create more opportunities for them and the company.

3. Create real relationship with clients

Clients are human too, it's important to ask them real questions like "How was your day? I saw your company has released a new product, etc " so that they can be comfortable with you and the relationship is not just purely business. Showing your care and attention to them so that you can build a true long lasting relationship with them.

That’s it! I hope that this motivating and inspiring tips given by Angel and Louise is a sweet closure to our 1H 2022, and I could not wait to have an interview session with the next MVA awardee of Q2, Q3 and Q4 2022!

Will you be the next MVA Awardee? Are you ready?

MVA: Most Valuable Award is presented in each quarter to show highest appreciation to members who show not only great OPO-HRT but also excellent performance in each quarter. MVA awardees will be entitled for cash benefit and additional vacation leave.

If you are interested to join one of the fastest-growing startups, drop us your CV at career@yoyo-holdings.com or visit our LinkedIn page to  get more detailed information for our openings in Indonesia office (Pop Digital Indonesia) | Philippines office (YOYO Philippines) . We look forward to welcoming you on board soon!

See you in Q3!