December 23, 2021

Long time no see, colleagues!

After almost two years of working from home (WFH), WE HAVE FINALLY MEET EACH OTHER AGAIN. FACE TO FACE. IN PERSON. Pardon me for the bold letters but it pretty much describes the excitement that i felt during our Year End Gathering on December 17th, 2021.

Hola! It’s me, Icha from the Bakulio Social Commerce team in Indonesia office! I’m super delighted to write my first for our company blog 😁

After all the virtual events held this year, this is the very first time I got to meet all of the team members in Pop Digital (of course HR and Bakulio teams are the exceptions). If the common theme for year end gatherings is “white party” or something in red and green color, we decided to go the anti-mainstream way, something more bold and ta-da… Look at our dress code! Yeap, it’s the combination of denim and patterns.

As you can see in the photo, everyone was appeared with their best “ patterns” outfit (even Mas Bima customized his new shirt and bought props from e-commerce in order to take home the most fashionable title of the night LOL).

Although not everyone is here, but this is our first (face to face) group photo in 2021
The T-shirt was dedicated to Mba Swasti (photo taken from homywork, hands up for the creativity!)

We started the gathering at 2:00PM, but I guess everyone was too excited to meet each other so the majority arrived earlier and the venue was full of joy, laughter and a crowded atmosphere as the members arrived one by one.

Makan indomie di tepi pantai, Makannya sambil nonton kartun

Haiii warga PDI, Selamat datang di gathering akhir tahun

The event started with an opening poem, specifically created for this event by the hosts: Kak Jehan and me. Sorry that it is in Bahasa Indonesia and not translated, because it won’t rhyme in English :)

It was totally our first time to be a host and we were extremely happy yet nervous. But all those virtual midnight practices paid off as we saw how entertaining they were.

"The masters of poetry", that's what they called us

A Party is not called a party without games. First, we had a game called  Our first game is “Sambung Kata” or “Connecting words”. We were divided into 4 groups. Each group consists of 4-5 people and each group has one representative.

This is how to play: there are few categories for members to choose randomly, if you get an animal category, the host will mention an animal name to be continued by the competing group. So if I say "DragoN", then the next group must name an animal with the first letter starting with N (the last letter of the dragon), ex: Nightingale.

The representatives were focusing to win the game

The next game is called “Guess Who?”. Simply put, each group must guess who is the person making the sound based on just listening to the voice (without being allowed to have the visual: the face).  While the person who makes the sound is allowed to use their “natural-auto-tune” voice (lower or higher) to add challenge to this game.

Surprisingly, the winner of this game got a PERFECT SCORE as they guessed everything correctly. Unbelievable!

The last game combined the muscles and the brain. Each group needs to make a perfect rectangular shape with a rope and whoever can make the most perfect shape is the winner. 

It's not as easy as it seems tho, because in fact no group has managed to make a nice rectangular shape hahaha! Mas Bima, Mas Seto, Mas Faza and Mas Pandu failed to make a rectangle, they made a shape like a trapezoid instead!

Look at the shapes below...

The "all guy" team failed to make a rectangle

Finally, after all the fun games with non stop laughter,  It’s time for some snack and the announcement for all the winners.  and THE WINNER with the highest accumulative score from all the games is Team number 1 (Kak Mpep, Mba Dwi, Kak Swasti, Mba Ajeng and Kak Merry). Congratulations to the winner woohooo! 🎉🏆

The winner showing off their cash reward. Congrats guys!

Aside from that, we also have 7 members who are lucky to win the door prize. Let's see who they are... (seems like the guys bringing their lucky charm tonight}

                              One thing in common from all 7 photos: photobomb!

And the best dress award goes to… Mas Peter and ME! ICHA! (Oh My God, I didn’t expect this since everyone is so cute and cool with their own outfits.) It was quite an awkward moment when me, as the host, announced myself as the winner, HAHA! But, thank you!

Before closing the event, everyone was is now asked to open the Christmas and New Year's gifts. Each person gets a nicely wrapped-ribbon box and a jar of cookies. Our gifts are custom mugs with our names engraved on it, a wooden placemats, a set of cutlery and personalized sweet letters. Thank you Pop Digital Indonesia!

Happy faces after opening the gift box
The boys are feeling it too!

Alright, I think that’s all from me, Icha, who loves to be a part of our fun, festive and fashionable gathering. I do wish that we will meet again soon and have many more great offline gatherings! Stay sane, safe and see you again next time, colleagues! 💓👋


Lastly before I really left, if you are reading this and interested to know and to experience working in on of the fastest-growing startups, do drop us your CV at or visit our LinkedIn page to  get more detailed information for our openings in Indonesia office (Pop Digital Indonesia) | Philippines office (YOYO Philippines) . We look forward to welcoming you on board soon! 

Icha 💓👋