May 31, 2019

Friday Mandatory: Wins in Session!

Picture this: it's the last day of work week, your weekend plans playing on repeat in your head as you wrap up this week's deliverables, when something called your attention. Ah, the sweet chorus of Win Session! on a Friday. Two ways how this will play out: 1. You instantly rack your brain and run-through your goal-task progress, or 2) You immediately scan the counter for the celebratory food choice (thank you, HR!) Both usually happens at the same time, to be honest. :p

Win Sessions are when we celebrate our wins for the week. We measure our progress based on our set goals for the Quarter: status on our target KPI and the next steps. It sounds so formal when but in reality, we just have a good time reliving all the challenges that led to each progress - the food helps a lot too, and of course the great energy that is passed on to each other! 🙂

The Win Session is a great opportunity to acknowledge everyone's hard work and creative inputs for the week. Speaking from the experience of working previously for a global agency where this is not practiced, I feel that company initiatives that promote team camaraderie and culture help a lot in boosting the team's morale and motivation. It gives you a sense of belongingness and purpose - that you are all in this together.

True to our company mantra work hard, party harder, we give ourselves permission to play and explore on new ideas, executions and see what happens - after all, the joy in working for a startup company is that you get to be part of beginnings, solutions and improvements. All within a budget, of course! #wherepartiesstart

Yours in food, fun, and everything in bet-wins,
