October 31, 2019

Engineering Team at SoftCon.PH 2019

"Attending a Community-lead technology conferences and meetups is one of the reason for me and my team's growth"

I always say that advice to people who are curious on how they can improve their skills and technical knowledge. As we all know, Technology has been and will always be part of our daily life, it will help us complete a very complicated tasks, remind us on important events, point us to the correct path, connect us to our loved ones, and many more.

This is thanks to all the Software Engineers who continuously collaborate and create innovations to improve how we live. That is my reason. The first and only reason why I became a software engineer and why I create softwares.

Last October 22, 2019, the largest technology conference for experts in Information Technology and Software Development in the Philippines happened. Since this is a major conference, we have to be there!

With my Team, we attended SOFTCON.ph 2019!

Here's our event ids!

We are very excited on what we can learn and the friends that we will be meeting.

To make this year's softcon, the organizers(PSIA) decided to ask the delegates to wear a costume, of course there will be prizes awaiting for having the best costume!

Here's Wayne trying to prove that DC Comics is better than Marvel

Now, enough of the extra activities, Let us see what is inside...

The above picture is on the Plenary Hall, this is where all the Keynote speakers of the conference delivered their encouraging and inspiring message to all of the IT Experts present at the event.

We learned the following from the keynote speakers:

  • Trends in technology
  • Where we are now and where are we heading?
  • Digital Transformation
  • Healthcare in Technology

One of the keynote speaker talked about The Post-Digital Era and one of the topic there is about the DARQ Power meaning Distributed Ledger (Blockchain), Artificial Intelligence, Extended Reality, Quantum Computing. Giant tech companies like Google, Facebook and Microsoft are spending billions and trillions of dollars for researching these, because the one who innovate the most will be the one to control everything in the future. It sounds creepy, but that is how it works in the field of Technology, we have to move fast and learn fast or we will be left behind like AOL, MySpace, Friendster or Yahoo.

In the afternoon, the Breakout Sessions have been announced.

and yes, if you see my name... I am a speaker and is proud to represent YOYO Holdings for this conference.

During the breakout sessions, we learned about web assembly which is the future of Javascript, we also learned more about microservices, when to use it, how to use it and why we should be using it. The speakers are all great and have shared their experiences and knowledge on their respective field.

And here I am trying to review my presentation 😅

This is my very first speaking experience at a major conference, a lot of experts from different companies will be watching and listening to what I am going to share.

Before my talk, I met with the other speakers and they gave me advices on how I should handle questions and how to relax because seriously, there are a lot of butterflies on my stomach on this day, my whole body is getting cold. Speaking in front is actually not a normal thing to do as a software engineer, that is our common weakness.

When the time came for my session, I believe some of the items that I reviewed before my talk have been forgotten, I have no choice but to start talking and after a while I found my tempo, I got this! I said to myself, and was able to finish my presentation confidently. I have to act and talk like myself that is the lesson that I have learned from this experience. Once you share your real day to day experience, your insights and rants, it will be easier and I don't have to review anything because everything is already a day to day task.

After my talk, we met new friends with similar experiences and new mentors that will guide me on this journey that I chose to walk.

Conferences are really awesome! Many delegates are already experts in IT but they still learn something new, because not everyone has the same experiences, problems and views, and the way for us to collaborate, understand, and share is thru conferences.

If you guys are interested to know or discuss about software engineering or information technology, reach me at alleo.indong@yoyo-holdings.com or you can come visit us in our Philippines or even Indonesia office! 💛

We are also in search of new team members! If you are passionate, growth-oriented and a team player, visit our website to view the open positions.

Follow our LinkedIn account and send your CV at career@yoyo-holdings.com.

Indonesia office (Pop Digital Indonesia)

Philippines office (YOYO Philippines)

Alleo Indong

Lead Software Engineer