December 26, 2019

Christmas in our Hearts!

This year has proven to be a lot of firsts for us, including our first on-ground Outreach Program at GK Laura, in partnership with U-Happy.

And you bet we were happy.

In fact, our hearts were filled with joy, gratitude and light as we got to know the kids better during our event. They brought with them so much energy that could only be equated to genuine and carefree happiness. Their smiles and laughter were infectious! We were having a grand time.

Hello, it’s Kara again! And this time I bring with you recollections from our adventure as a team. We wrapped up work earlier that day to prepare and commute towards South (I will spare you the traffic + commute shenanigans for a more joyous experience, but I will say this -- it has further strengthened our bond (and lungs cos of the numerous songs we belted out!), but all good) and finally arrived at the venue.

We were greeted by a court full with kids (all seated and chattering happily) and by our partner, the U-Happy Foundation. We had a quick briefing on the things we need to remember so that we will be able to address the needs of our kids effectively. We can’t wait to meet them!

And then it was finally time to meet the kids! What a great opportunity to share this moment to hear their stories, their dreams and their wishes for the Christmas season. We constantly found ourselves smiling and sharing the light energy with them -- oh, to be a kid again!

And then it was time for the kids to get to know us too! We shared what we do for work to them in a very creative and fun way --- even I had fun! This validates further that I am working with creative and playful people. You guys are the best!

We were then grouped into several teams. Of course, what is a team introduction without a display of talent and cheer? We had to do it. And do it we did. Coming up with the cheer was just the start of the fun, seeing and hearing the kids do it too, it was a high that can only be described as joyous.

Great job, teams!

When the games started, it was when everyone got a little (friendly!) competitive. The games required a whole level of listening + teamwork, and everyone followed through! This was also the time I felt closer to the kids, to be honest they really took the games to heart! I have never seen such competitive spirits! Good game, good game.

There was one game where we had to re-enact a Christmas at home scenario in a tableau form. I am so proud of the results! Look at these masterpieces. Now, that’s Christmas!

It was such a wonderful blessing to be able to give back this holiday season, and I am so happy we got to do it as a team before the year ends. I remember this being a topic in our earlier discussions in planning for what we could do as a team, and it being a reality now -- it certainly capped off the year beautifully for me, for us, and hopefully, for the kids at GK Laura.

They are amazing.

Stay awesome and stay at school, kids!

And to the team that made it happen, continue being a gift. So much love and gratitude for y’all.

Let’s do it again in 2020!

Wonderfully and merrily yours,
