August 30, 2019

A PopStar Is Born! A Post-Anniversary Reflection [Indonesia Edition]

If you are a mother, how would you like to celebrate the first birthday of your first born?

If you are not a mother, imagine that you have a superpower that you could turn back time to organize your own first birthday party, how festive your party would be?

I asked this question to myself as soon as the management announced that we had to throw a birthday party for PopStar, in four weeks time.

I am Widya from Marketing Communications team, I am not a mother, I don't have a superpower and I'm not a party person (I am being real honest). What's worse is that I was appointed to be the project leader. I had a brain freeze. Then I tried to breathe and came out with a game plan: I am adopting PopStar as my first born and I'm gonna make sure that this first birthday bash is so meaningful that every single person who participated in the celebration will get something in return.

With that mindset, I started the preparations: 1) build committee, 2) set brainstorm sessions, 3) create (and revise) proposals, 4) budget (budget, budget, budget) and the list keeps growing...

I used to organize events in my previous company, so technically, I wasn't so green in this thing. But the biggest difference is that my previous experience taught me how to spend all the money to organize a great event, and in contrast, this time I had to lead the team to look for sponsors in order to make this event happen. This is the challenge.

Two weeks before the event, no sponsorship contract was signed because we have not approached any potential client/brands and everyone was so overwhelmed with their own tasks, which I completely understood where they were coming from. I really did.

At that time, I knew that this event will never take place as expected. I almost gave up and ready to be crowned as a failed mother who can't even organize her kid's first birthday celebration. But in my lowest time, as if there were light from heaven that flash on Marius and Kyon (they are the real fathers of PopStar, by the way). With his angelic voice, Marius said: PopStar itself is not the product, but the team behind it. I really think that we have a great team and that makes the product great. Not having confidence in PopStar means that they are not confident with the team.

And he got me there.

We were then given a second chance; the event was postponed to another four weeks. At that time, I knew that this time I need to make things right, I need to lead the team to do this right. It was not really about the result but it was more about teamwork to make this right.

Then we were back to square one: event preparation began (again).

One week before the event, good news was finally queueing up: 6 signed back sponsorship contracts, 2 confirmed celebrity influencers as guest speakers, 4 Media and 40 RSVP from influencers to attend the event.

At the same time, nightmares started to haunt us. One member who was responsible for influencers RSVP, dreamt of on the day of the event, chairs were empty as no one came to the event. It kept haunting us even until one day prior to the event, I dreamt I was sticking a small banner in the wall of the venue but no matter how hard I tried, it just won't stick and kept on falling. I woke up and relieved that it was just a dream (that I hope was not a jinx or a sign of something bad)

August 23rd, PopStar First Anniversary Event Day:

Influencers, true to their words, started showing up.

4 published news articles in three different online Media.

Happy faces seen on the partnered brands and sponsors.

Almost zero mistake throughout the event.

Putting back my “mother of PopStar” hat, what did I gain from this event? Or, what did we gain from this? Was it a meaningful birthday celebration? Did everyone walk out from the event venue with “something” in return?

During the post-event wrap up sessions, I looked at each and everyone’s face and told myself: I am beyond proud of this team. The event was not perfect, but what matters the most is that WE DID IT, at last. As a team.

And the biggest present for my first born a.k.a PopStar, from this birthday party is not the amount of money invested from the sponsors, not the number of influencers who came, not the guest stars who supported the event and not even the news coverage on the media. I mean these things are our achievement record, but the real meaningful present is that the GREAT TEAMWORK that made this event a success.

So if you ask me “why PopStar”? With 1000% of confidence I will tell you that PopStar is made of a great team and that’s what makes PopStar great.


The Amazing PopStar First Anniversary Event Team Members:

Kyon - The real father of PopStar/ PopStar Mobile App Launch Speaker/ Angel no.1

Marius - The real father of PopStar/ Event Director/ Angel no.2

Ergin - Brands & Clients/ Opening Remarks Speaker

Oki - Brands & Clients / Sponsorship Director

Widya - Event Head</p><p>Elle - Project Coordinator / Floor Director

Dwy - Sponsorship/ “Queen of Clients”

Icha - Master of Ceremony/ Women behind great press release

Rio - Event Advisor/ Ideas Contributor/ PopStar Workshop Speaker

Bram - Program Head/ Ideas Contributor/ Documentation

Neri - Designer/ Last-minute-request handler

Rahajeng - Media & Publication/ Head of Tracking Team

Swasti - VVIP & Influencers / “Mother of Influencers”

Fina - Logistic Head

Dita - Media & Publication

Ajeng - Finance & Payment/ F&B provider

Merry - Logistic coordinator

Iman - Sponsors management/ AM-PM team

Adam - Documentation

Seto - Sponsorship/ Documentation

Fikra - Tracking Team

Christ - Documentation

Wisnu - Tracking Team

Agitia - Tracking Team

Natasha - Registration/ Tracking Team

Mpep - Presentation coordinator/ PopStar Mobile App Launch Speaker

Ridhwan - Presentation coordinator

Grady “Gege” - Tracking Team

Michelle - Tracking Team

Febiola “Ola” - Tracking Team

PH Team Member - Support system