July 19, 2019

A Fun-tastic Farewell to Q2

Hey there, it’s Elle from the Marketing & Communications team in Indonesia! I’m so excited to be finally writing for our YOYO blog, but I’m even more excited to say that Q2 is done and gone! After 3 months of working hard towards our Q2 goals, our office in Indonesia celebrated our achievements by going to the most fun-tastic theme park in Jakarta….Dufan!

That’s almost all of us at Pop Digital Indonesia by Dufan’s new and improved entrance. (Yes, their new entrance is something to be celebrated since it’s been YEARS since they’ve renovated it!)

Days before the event, we were randomly put into 2 teams with 11 members each, and the team that has the most members ride on theme park rides win. I was in team 2, and had no worries since I’ve been to Dufan a bunch of times before and always thought that I’ve got guts of steel. Little did I know, Dufan added new rides recently, and one of them called Baling-Baling was too cray cray for me to ride, so I had to back down (it was a looooooooot of turns within a turn within a turn within another turn and another turn!!! You would have backed down too!). But anyways, most of us started with pre-games like Bump Cars, and a photoshoot.

Mas Bram has found his target! Poor Mba Swasti doesn’t know it yet :(

Photoshoot time for those who are too cool for the Fast & Furious Bump Car life!

Our first legit theme park ride was the famous rollercoaster Halilintar, which means ‘lightning’ cause it’s supposed to go as fast as the speed of light(ning). How’d it go? I’ll let the pictures speak for itself:

While waiting for some of our friends have their Friday prayers, a bunch of us got to ride on the Pontang-Panting, and look how happy everyone was, especially Mas Afif who didn’t have to share his seat with anyone!

The heat was definitely there, but it won’t stop us from having fun! With a bag of Shihlin chicken and Chatime boba, the heat ain’t got nothing on us. Check out how chill our friends look under the sun:

Shining under the golden sun (and some bubbles!) And a little selfie break to beat the heat!

People say that age is just a number, but I’ve noticed that it’s definitely more than that... cause now my bones ache a little bit more, and I get super dizzy after some rides that I used to think were a piece-of-cake back in highschool sad reax only pls. But other than pain and motion sickness, aging also comes with wisdom. And that’s how some of us ended up with the wise decision of taking a break in an air conditioned room with massage chairs! I mean, look at these happy (and one slightly embarrassed) faces:

Mba Ica, Ajeng, and Iman with their Rp 10,000/10mins worth of massage ride.And also some old-school massages that Mba Angel gave to Mba Dwy:

Last but not least is our ultimate, favourite, must-go-to ride…. Kora-Kora! Why do we love it? Cause they capture our best faces on this ride! Can you see our souls escaping our bodies? Hehehehe

Finally, the day ended with a trip down memory lane on the Merry-Go-Round.

So which team won in the end? Team 1 did! Our corporate team made sure to keep tabs on the score, but at the end of the day, the only thing that mattered was that we all had fun together, got to know each other better, and got ourselves physically and mentally recharged for the next Quarter and challenges ahead!

See you in the next time they let me write for the blog again!

Elle ✨